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๐Ÿ“š API Reference


The Authorizer platform supports a standard HTTP/JSON API or grpc APIs backed by protocol-buffers.

Support for the HTTP/JSON API comes from the grpc-gateway package which is a gRPC to JSON proxy generator that follows the standard gRPC and HTTP transcoding spec.


Package: authorizer.accesscontroller.v1alpha1

The service that performs access-control checks based on stored Access Control Lists.


rpc Check(CheckRequest) CheckResponse

Check performs an access-control check by looking up if a specific subject is related to an object.


Package: authorizer.accesscontroller.v1alpha1

The service to serve Expand RPC requests.


rpc Expand(ExpandRequest) ExpandResponse

Expands all the relation tuples for all of the subjects given in the SubjectSet.

Expand follows direct and indirect SubjectSets in a depth-first fashion.


Package: authorizer.accesscontroller.v1alpha1

The service to administer namespace configurations.


rpc WriteConfig(WriteConfigRequest) WriteConfigResponse

WriteConfig upserts a namespace configuration.

If the namespace config already exists, the existing one is overwritten. If the new namespace config removes an existing relation, there must not be any relation tuples that reference it. Otherwise a FAILED_PRECONDITION status is returned.

To migrate away from a relation, please move all existing relation tuples referencing it over to the new relation and then delete the old relation once all tuples have been migrated.### ReadConfig

rpc ReadConfig(ReadConfigRequest) ReadConfigResponse

Read a namespace configuration.


Package: authorizer.accesscontroller.v1alpha1

A service to query Access Control Lists.


rpc ListRelationTuples(ListRelationTuplesRequest) ListRelationTuplesResponse

Lists relation tuples.

NOTE: This does not follow direct or indirect references through rewrites. If you need to follow indirect references through rewrites, please use the Expand API.


Package: authorizer.accesscontroller.v1alpha1

A service that defines APIs to manage relation tuple ACLs.


rpc WriteRelationTuplesTxn(WriteRelationTuplesTxnRequest) WriteRelationTuplesTxnResponse

Mutates one or more relation tuples within a single transaction.


Package: authorizer.accesswatcher.v1alpha1

A service defining APIs to watch for changes to namespaces.


rpc Watch(WatchRequest) WatchResponse

Watches for changes to relation tuples in one or more namespaces.



RelationTuple relates an object with a subject.

While a tuple reflects a relationship between object and subject, they do not completely define the effective ACLs.

namespace stringThe namespace this relation tuple lives in.
object stringThe object identifier related by this tuple.

Objects live within the namespace of the tuple.
relation stringThe relation between the Object and the Subject.
subject SubjectThe subject related by this tuple.


Subject is either a concrete subject id string or a SubjectSet expanding to more Subjects.

oneof stringA concrete subject id string for the subject.
oneof ref.set SubjectSetA SubjectSet that expands to more Subjects.


A SubjectSet refers to all subjects which have the same relation to an object.

namespace stringThe namespace of the object and relation referenced in this SubjectSet.
object stringThe object selected by the subjects.
relation stringThe relation between the object and the subject(s).


The request for a CheckService.Check rpc.

namespace stringThe namespace to evaluate the check within.
object stringThe object to check.
relation stringThe relation between the object and the subject.
subject SubjectThe subject to check.
snaptoken stringOptional. The snapshot token that encodes the evaluation timestamp that this request will be evaluated no earlier than.

If no snapshot token is provided the check request is evaluated against the most recently replicated version of the relation tuple storage. Leaving an empty snapshot token will reflect the latest changes, but it may incur a read penalty because the reads have to be directed toward the leaseholder of the replica that serves the data.

We call requests without a snapshot token a content-change check, because such requests require a round-trip read but return the most recent writes and are thus good candidates for checking real-time content changes before an object is persisted.


The response for a CheckService.Check rpc.

allowed boolA boolean indicating if the specified subject is related to the requested object.

It is false by default if no ACL matches.
snaptoken stringA snapshot token encoding the snapshot evaluation timestamp that the request was evaluated at.


The request for an ExpandService.Expand rpc.

subject_set SubjectSetThe SubjectSet to expand.
snaptoken stringOptional. The snapshot token that encodes the evaluation timestamp that this request will be evaluated no earlier than.

If no snapshot token is provided the expand request is evaluated against the most recently replicated version of the relation tuple storage. Leaving an empty snapshot token will reflect the latest changes, but it may incur a read penalty because the reads have to be directed toward the leaseholder of the replica that serves the data.


The response for an ExpandService.Expand rpc.

tree SubjectTreeThe tree the requested SubjectSet expands to. The requested SubjectSet is the subject of the root.

This field can be nil in some circumstances.


node_type NodeTypeThe type of the node.
subject SubjectThe subject this node represents.
childrenrepeated SubjectTreeThe children of this node.

This is unset if node_type is NODE_TYPE_LEAF.


Computes the set of subjects that have the included relation within the same namespace.

This is useful to follow relations between an object and subject within the same namespace. If you want anyone with an 'editor' relation to also have 'viewer' this would be a good fit.

relation stringnone


A namespace config defines the relations that exist between objects and subjects in in a namespace.

name stringThe name of the namespace.
relationsrepeated RelationThe relations that this namespace defines.


The request for a NamespaceConfigService.ReadConfig rpc.

namespace stringThe namespace whose config should be read.


The response for a NamespaceConfigService.ReadConfig rpc.

namespace stringThe namespace of the config.
config NamespaceConfigThe namespace config for the given namespace.


A Relation defines a type of relationship between an object and subject.

Relations can have rewrite rules that specify how the relation is computed relative to other relations defined within the same namespace or across other namespaces.

name stringThe name of the relation (e.g. viewer, editor, or member).
rewrite RewriteThe rewrite rule for this relation, or nil if it references itself.


Rewrites define sub-expressions that combine operations such as union or intersection. A rewrite sub-expression can be recursive and thus allows arbitrary logical expressions to be constructed.

oneof rewrite_operation.union SetOperationJoins the children of the rewrite via set union.
oneof rewrite_operation.intersection SetOperationJoins the children of the rewrite via set intersection.


childrenrepeated SetOperation.Childnone


oneof child_type.this SetOperation.Child.Thisnone
oneof child_type.computed_subjectset ComputedSubjectsetnone
oneof child_type.tuple_to_subjectset TupleToSubjectsetnone
oneof child_type.rewrite Rewritenone


This references the defined relation directly.



Computes a tupleset from the input object, fetches relation tuples matching the tupleset, and computes the set of subjects from every fetched relation tuple.

This is useful to lookup relations in other namespaces or to create complex hierarchies between objects in multiple namespaces.

tupleset TupleToSubjectset.TuplesetA tupleset defining the relation tuples that relate to the set of subjects that this TupleToSubjectset applies to.
computed_subjectset ComputedSubjectsetThe computed set of subjects that are looked up based on the expanded tupleset.


relation stringnone


The request for a NamespaceConfigService.WriteConfig rpc.

config NamespaceConfigThe namespace config to upsert.


The response for a NamespaceConfigService.WriteConfig rpc.



query ListRelationTuplesRequest.QueryAll field constraints are concatenated with a logical AND operator.
snaptoken stringOptional. The snapshot token that encodes the evaluation timestamp that this request will be evaluated no earlier than.
page_size int32Optional. The maximum number of RelationTuples to return in the response.
page_token stringOptional. A pagination token returned from a previous call to ListRelationTuples that indicates where the page should start at.


The query for listing relation tuples. Clients can specify any optional field to partially filter for specific relation tuples.

Example use cases:

  • object only: display a list of all ACLs of one object
  • relation only: get all groups that have members; e.g. get all directories that have content
  • object & relation: display all subjects that have e.g. write relation
  • subject & relation: display all groups a subject belongs to/display all objects a subject has access to
  • object & relation & subject: check whether the relation tuple already exists, before writing it
namespace stringRequired. The namespace to query.
object stringOptional.
relationsrepeated stringOptional.
subject SubjectOptional.


relation_tuplesrepeated RelationTupleThe relation tuples matching the request query.

The RelationTuple list is ordered from the newest RelationTuple to the oldest.
next_page_token stringThe token required to paginate to the next page.
is_last_page boolIndicates if this is the last page of paginated data. If is_last_page is true then using next_page_token in subsequent requests will return an error.


Write-delta for a WriteRelationTuplesTxnRequest.

action RelationTupleDelta.ActionThe action to do on the RelationTuple.
relation_tuple RelationTupleThe target RelationTuple.


The request of a WriteService.WriteRelationTuplesTxn rpc.

relation_tuple_deltasrepeated RelationTupleDeltaThe write delta for the relation tuples operated in one single transaction. Either all actions commit or no changes take effect on error.


The response of a WriteService.WriteRelationTuplesTxn rpc.

snaptokensrepeated stringThe list of the new latest snapshot tokens of the affected RelationTuple, with the same index as specified in the relation_tuple_deltas field of the WriteRelationTuplesTxnRequest request.

If the RelationTupleDelta_Action was DELETE the snaptoken is empty at the same index.


The request for a WatchService.Watch rpc.

namespacesrepeated stringThe namespaces to start watching for changes to.
snaptoken stringA snapshot token encoding a timestamp where changes should start watching from.


The response for a WatchService.Watch rpc.

relation_tuple_delta RelationTupleDeltaThe relation tuple delta that occurred.
snaptoken stringA snapshot token encoding the timestamp of the relation tuple change.



An enumeration defining types of nodes within a SubjectTree.

NODE_TYPE_UNION1A node type which expands to a union of all children.
NODE_TYPE_INTERSECTION3A node type which expands to an intersection of the children.
NODE_TYPE_LEAF4A node type which is a leaf and contains no children.

Its Subject is a subject id string unless the maximum call depth was reached.


An enumeration defining the actions or mutations that can be done on a RelationTuple.

ACTION_UNSPECIFIED0An unspecified action.

The WriteRelationTuplesTxn rpc ignores RelationTupleDeltas with an unspecified action.
ACTION_INSERT1Upserts a new RelationTuple.

If the RelationTuple already exists no modification is done.
ACTION_DELETE4Deletes the RelationTuple.

If the RelationTuple does not exist it's a no-op.

Scalar Value Types#

.proto TypeNotesGoC++JavaPythonC#PHPRuby
int32Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers โ€“ if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead.int32int32intintintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers โ€“ if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead.int64int64longint/longlonginteger/stringBignum
uint32Uses variable-length encoding.uint32uint32intint/longuintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64Uses variable-length encoding.uint64uint64longint/longulonginteger/stringBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s.int32int32intintintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s.int64int64longint/longlonginteger/stringBignum
fixed32Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28.uint32uint32intintuintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56.uint64uint64longint/longulonginteger/stringBignum
sfixed32Always four bytes.int32int32intintintintegerBignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64Always eight bytes.int64int64longint/longlonginteger/stringBignum
stringA string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text.stringstringStringstr/unicodestringstringString (UTF-8)
bytesMay contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes.[]bytestringByteStringstrByteStringstringString (ASCII-8BIT)